• Patrick Michael Ballard: Ottodokki

Patrick Michael Ballard

Sming Sming Books


pack of 24 cards + zine, 2.5 x 3.5 inches
Edition of 200

Twenty-four cards within. Open alone or with a friend. The Ottodokki can be used to guide reflection, get to know a stranger, help structure a dream sequence in a tabletop role-playing game, or for telling collective stories with a twist.

Reveal in whatever way you choose. Ponder the cards one at a time, or line them up in sequence to form a calendar. What do you see? Might be a reflection of you. Might be a reflection of me.

The Ottodokki in full, with all its doors and many decks, can only be found at the heart of Azguyaenquainan!—a living wunderkammer for psychomagical parlor games created and run by Patrick Michael Ballard.

Patrick Michael Ballard is a food closet filled to the brim with perforated, mummified, and erewhile anti-treats. He beguiles his own navel between Santa Cruz and Los Angeles with ample mirrorgazing and lint sifting, populating the scar of his own origin with the embers of artist conch. He primarily focuses on developing techniques for revealing endangered processes of nuance in gradients of nonsense: forging speculative dowsing rods, symbolic resonators, and atmospheres for the orchestration of psychomagical parlor games and performances.